Dauger Research, Inc., is the proud recipient of the “Keeping America Strong” award, part of a special television broadcast hosted by William Shatner. This production is one of a “Heartbeat of America” TV series focusing on innovative small businesses performing breakthrough work.
The program features interviews by Doug Llewelyn, well-known as “The People’s Court” reporter, of the team running Dauger Research, with a special focus on the Pooch product family providing the only easy-to-use yet supercomputer-compatible cluster computing solution.
Hosted by William Shatner and Rear Admiral Kevin F. Delaney (ret), “Keeping America Strong” is a special 30-minute TV show spotlighting innovative small businesses. Rear Admiral Delaney, granted 98 awards and decorations by the US Navy, helps others recognize small businesses for their contribution to the US free-enterprise system.
William Shatner, famous for starring in “The Twilight Zone”, “Boston Legal”, and, of course, as Captain Kirk in “Star Trek”, contributes his fame to help promote small businesses like Dauger Research, helping them in the corporate environment and improving America’s standing in the world.
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